Coinbase Wallet extension - Chrome Web Store

To get started, please install the Coinbase Wallet extension from the Chrome Web Store Step 2: Choose ‘Create new wallet’. Step 3: Securely back up your 12-word recovery phrase. We recommend storing t

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, there is no widely recognized or prominent browser extension called "Coinbese Wellet." It's possible that a new extension or service with a similar name has emerged after my last update, or it might be a less well-known or localized service.

If "Coinbese Wellet" is indeed a new extension related to cryptocurrency wallets or any other online service, I don't have information about it. Therefore, I can't provide any details about its features or functionality.

If you have any specific information or details about "Coinbese Wellet" or any other platform or service you'd like to know more about, feel free to provide more context or ask specific questions, and I'll do my best to assist you based on the information available up to my last update. Keep in mind that my knowledge might not be up-to-date with the latest developments beyond September 2021.

Last updated